"I'm terrified that I won't be able to save the world. Every day I'm confronted by two conflicting realities. The first, that the world is going to shit and there's not much I can do about it. The second, that I want to do something about it.
It leaves me feeling terrified, to the point that sometimes I can't get myself out of the house, can't get myself to work or read or even talk to my friends and family, because I don't want to be confronted by reality. For just a few hours, I want to escape the truth.
This truth – that I, a tiny, insignificant human, am not going to save the world – it doesn't even phase some people. It keeps me awake at night, but it isn't even worth a second's thought for some.
It terrifies me, not only because I am faced with the enormity of the challenges we human beings face and I don't know which one to tackle, but also because I know I could dedicate my whole life to one of those and it might not change anything at all. What am I supposed to do? Is it not worth it? Should I just give up? These questions go through my brain dozens of times a day. And every day, I have to calm myself down. I have to remind myself that it's not just about me. Yes, bad things are happening. Yes, things need to change. Yes, it'll take a long time for me to find my path and contribute to this change. But one step at a time.
I can't save the world. But I may be able to help it."