
An Overture to Illumination

Below is a collection of my creative writing pieces, of prose, poetry, essays and scripts.


This is the story of Sola and Lune.
Or Sun and Moon
They never met, how could they?
For they were locked in their own dark abyss.
Sola’s love was found in the burning of her soul,
A fiery dance racing through space,
Lune would twirl in pleasure,
As he saw her token of their embrace,
Reflecting her illumination, showing his endless adoration,
Telling her, I’m still here, this distance means nothing, I love you,
Yet no matter how much she knew he meant it, she would never fully accept it,
So Sola and Lune continued in a timeless spell,
And we can only watch their love story,
Never meeting,
Always one rising,
And one setting.

Vareesha Khan