
An Overture to Illumination

Below is a collection of my creative writing pieces, of prose, poetry, essays and scripts.


I tumble, and I fall, and the stars never seemed further away than they do now,
You stumble, and you stall, and the sun refuses to fall down when it promised it would,
I took nothing at all: I was generosity, and now I am left with nothing at all,
Now you’re overcome with guilt, now you’re running to and fro,
My veins are getting deeper with all the disappointments,
Now I can’t help but notice how beautiful they are,
You painted the world with glitter the color of your eyes, and I am mesmerized,
How have we never noticed how I feel? How you don’t feel?
I have been thinking of confronting you, but how will that work if you won’t turn around?
You scared me in my dreams last night, and now my days are nightmarish too,
I am nothing but bones; you’re nothing but skin,
All we can be is parallel — never touching, never touching.

Vareesha Khan