
An Overture to Illumination

Below is a collection of my creative writing pieces, of prose, poetry, essays and scripts.


You’re eclipsing all the effort I made to keep us from growing apart,
You keep turning in the wrong direction only to come back to where you started,
Creating circles that look all the same,
Fluttering away in the wind only to return, return again,
Stealing my wishes and my promises,
Wishing you’d hold to your promises that you somehow keep breaking,
You’re running away, but you can’t help walking back,
Why have you made this our lives?
Where we build, and then we break,
Stuck in our lies and our mistakes,
I accepted how I always cared more, cared so much,
So when you go off on your wanderings that lead nowhere,
I am still standing here,
Wondering why I don’t own anything but the smallest part of your heart.

Vareesha Khan