
An Overture to Illumination

Below is a collection of my creative writing pieces, of prose, poetry, essays and scripts.


She walks pass everyone, she walks without anyone. She lives in a different world, one of snow and one of slopes. She never committed to anything, she was a girl who hanged nooses, not a girl who tied bracelets. She wanted to climb past all the versions of her that she discarded with every year. She tried so hard to be better than her mistakes, the girl who kept raising the stakes. Blaring the music loud enough to overcome all the words, all the hatred. So much noise, she could handle so much noise, she had to handle so much noise. She yells at me for my lopsided directions, but her every step takes her to different destinations. She found love on battleships, she made destruction on sunken ships. She wanted everything, she wanted the world, she wanted it all dead. Everyone became a target of her ambivalent arrows, of her tantalizing bows. She wanted to be the queen, she wanted groveling bows. She wanted to please, she wanted to be appeased. This was the girl who didn’t care at all. She didn’t have time for love, she didn’t have time for hatred. She trembled with her fingers on buttons she made of lies. The destroyer on her death star. She released the cannons and she released the arrows, the girl out for the end, the girl out for revenge. She made use of her noose, she cut off the strands that kept her from her fantasy. She shot them all, they all fell, all the versions of her. They cried and they pleaded, they hit their heads trying to bow down to the queen, but she was the girl of destruction, and they had no hope, they had no mercy. And she just walked away, passed all the sunken ships she drowned on her battleship.

Vareesha Khan