
A Better World

I am unsatisfied with the default way we have been taught to view the world. I need to believe in something better, something more. I began this project to decide for myself what a meaningful life looks like. A Better World is an ongoing series exploring and reimagining the different aspects of life, with the goal of spending our days more thoughtfully, and with the purpose of making our tomorrows closer to our dreams of utopia.


How do we conceptualize a past too painful to remember? Some minds dissociate, seeking refuge in an alter self. Some people escape — oh addiction calls so sweetly, and in so many names. Indulge and live fast, be so busy that thoughts can’t take hold. Can’t gather together, falling prey to winds as you go a hundred miles an hour. Some shut down, freezing out anyone who gets too close. The heart builds a fortress and the mind remains a vigilant guard, seeing threats in every shadow. Some live in the past. Stunted and repeating memories, so intense that the present is what’s hazy. Time flies them by. Some push past the pain and dance with history. They reject heartbreak — the heart is a muscle and it must be used to grow strong. They learn and live, and embrace the bittersweet scars that envelop them. We must stay soft despite the suffering without respite. How else can we move forward? 

Vareesha Khan