
A Better World

I am unsatisfied with the default way we have been taught to view the world. I need to believe in something better, something more. I began this project to decide for myself what a meaningful life looks like. A Better World is an ongoing series exploring and reimagining the different aspects of life, with the goal of spending our days more thoughtfully, and with the purpose of making our tomorrows closer to our dreams of utopia.


There's only two serious philosophical questions: why do people commit suicide? & why haven't you yet? I'm trying to figure out what makes someone look at this world and this life and decide they're done. Like love, life is a choice, but so is the absence of life or transcendence from it. To move on and end the human experiment. I have never been suicidal, but I have been depressed, where I looked at my life and felt that I lost everything I was working on. And that mindset was piercing holes in me, turning me into a destructive cyclone that ravaged what I actually had of value. So why don't I go to bed with a gun to my head? I still feel useful and appreciated, in a raw, elemental kind of way. And the more I recognize that in myself, what I actually offer the world and my purpose, the easier it has become to turn my cyclone self into a gust of wind getting fall leaves to dance — or a very simple breath of fresh air.

Vareesha Khan